ESTJ Personality Type

ESTJ, a term from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), stands for Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. ESTJs are organized, pragmatic, and outgoing, often known for their decisiveness, adherence to tradition, and ability to implement plans and lead others.

ESTJ Meaning

ESTJs are invigorated by engaging with others (Extraversion), lean towards factual information and present realities over abstract theories (Sensing), base their decisions on logical reasoning rather than personal emotions (Thinking), and appreciate structure, planning, and organization over spontaneity (Judging).

ESTJs are sometimes referred to as “the Director,” “the Supervisor,” or “the Executive.” INFP is the opposite personality type of ESTJ.

People with this personality type tend to be action-oriented, taking logical approaches to obtain results and solve problems quickly.

They are energetic, charming, and outgoing individuals who enjoy spending time and pursuing adventure with wide circles of friends and acquaintances.

ESTJ is the fifth most common type in the population, and the second most common among men. ESTJs make up:

  • 9% of the general population
  • 11% of men
  • 6% of women

Famous ESTJs include Judge Judy, George Washington, Sanda Day O’Connor, Darth Vader, and Kamala Harris.

Strengths Weaknesses
Strong leadership skills Inflexible
Reliable Judgmental
Dedicated Bossy
Honest Stubborn
Organized Difficulty relaxing

ESTJ Characteristics

ESTJs are assertive individuals

  • They like to take charge and make sure that things run smoothly and according to the rules.
  • They can sometimes be seen as rigid or stubborn, but they excel in leadership positions and can be counted on to put plans into action.
  • They are hardworking and committed, seeing things to completion and defending their ideas and principles relentlessly.

ESTJs place a high value on tradition, principle, and law

They have a strong belief system and expect that others uphold similar standards.

They are rule-abiding and conscientious, often taking an interest in civic duties, government branches, and community organizations.

As honest, dedicated, and responsible individuals, ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order and can show their wrath when others act dishonestly or demonstrate incompetence.

They are typically seen in leadership positions, taking pride in bringing people together and maintaining a structured society. Unironically, many of America’s presidents have been ESTJs!

People with this personality type are action-oriented 

  • They are decisive thinkers, quickly assessing situations and devising immediate solutions when confronted with a problem as opposed to spending a great deal of time planning.
  • They place a higher value on objectivity and fact rather than personal feelings and emotion when making decisions.
  • They appreciate straightforward and rational information and are bored by abstract theories or concepts.

ESTJs are often described as practical and realistic

  • They tend to be very direct and straightforward when sharing their opinions, but can sometimes be seen as too harsh or critical.
  • They trust facts more than abstract ideas or opinions and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way.

ESTJs are excellent organizers

  • They are orderly and scheduled, often found imposing structure in their own lives and the lives of those around them.
  • They enjoy creating order and security in their environments by establishing strict rules and regulations.
  • ESTJs are planners and list makers, always punctual, and have no problem distributing tasks and responsibilities to others, making them accomplished leaders and administrators.

Cognitive Functions

The MBTI suggests that the four different cognitive functions (thinking, feeling, intuition, and sensing) form a hierarchy where each function is either directed outwardly (extroverted) or inwardly (introverted). The order of these functions determines one’s personality.

MBTI test dichotomies

The dominant function is the primary aspect of personality, while the auxiliary and tertiary functions play supportive roles.

Dominant: Extroverted Thinking

  • As objective, practical thinkers, ESTJs rely on facts and logic rather than personal feelings when making judgements. 
  • They do not enjoy abstract information or subjectivity as they prefer to make impersonal and impartial decisions. 
  • They prefer learning about things with immediate, real-world implications and tend to lose interest in ideas that are theoretical or speculative.

Auxiliary: Introverted Sensing

  • ESTJs tend to have impressive memories. Their memories of past events can be detailed and vivid and they often utilize these recollections to make connections with present events.
  • As their sensing function is focused inwardly, ESTJs are typically less concerned with novelty and more interested in familiarity.
  • They tend to be creatures of habit, relying on their sense of stability, predictability, and routine.

Tertiary: Extraverted Intuition

  • This aspect of the ESTJ personality is less prominent but still influences people with this personality type to explore their creativity. 
  • As they seek out novel ideas and new information, ESTJs may explore deeper meanings to discover unique connections, patterns, or interpretations.

Inferior : Introverted Feeling

  • This function is not used as often for ESTJs, but in some situations, it may allow an ESTJ to make decisions based more on subjective feelings than pure logic. 
  • This function typically operates on an unconscious basis as ESTJs tend to give significant thought to their own emotions, but just do not express them externally.

ESTJ Hobbies, Interests, and Careers

Because of their conventional, structured nature, ESTJs tend to succeed in supervisory roles or any position where they can exercise their affinity for organization and order.

They are committed to making sure that their employees follow the rules and traditions established by the higher authorities and they prefer to be in a role where they can make decisions and enforce policies and procedures.

They are dependable, hardworking individuals with an eagerness to take on responsibility and exceed expectations. ESTJs are effective managers with a genuine enthusiasm for organization and principle.

Because of their love of structure, efficiency, and thoroughness, suitable careers for ESTJs include financial officers, school administrators, business managers, agents, and auditors.

Their sense of loyalty to their work and their admiration for established institutions also can lead ESTJs to work for well-respected and/or government organizations as lawyers, police officers, judges, military officers, or politicians.

In their free time, ESTJ enjoy building and repairing things around the home, gardening, volunteering, participating in community service, and playing or watching sports.

ESTJ Work Environments

ESTJs strongly prefer environments that emphasize strict rules and procedures. They respect workplaces that value tradition and stability and have clear sets of expectations and organized authority structures.

They struggle in disorganized, poorly managed environments, and they do not like to work alongside lazy, irresponsible employees or colleagues. They enjoy being surrounded by people who also hold themselves to high standards and are equally dedicated to the tasks at hand.

They appreciate being a part of a team, but they take the most pleasure from organizing, and sometimes even micromanaging, other members of their group.

The ideal workplace for ESTJs is one that enables them to use their organizational skills and progress along a path to increased responsibility.

ESTJ Personal Relationships

As extroverted individuals, ESTJs tend to be outgoing and sociable. They enjoy being the center of attention and spending time in the company of others.

They are also dependable, loyal friends and typically form the most powerful connections with those who share mutual values, traditions, and institutions.

They tend to struggle to find common ground with people who disagree with their principles and beliefs, and because of this, ESTJs do not usually befriend people who consistently express alternate viewpoints.

ESTJs are always open to trying a new activity or attending a social event as long as they are in the company of others.

In relationships, ESTJs are straightforward and honest with who they are, what they want from a partner, and what their goals are in the relationship. Because of this, they tend to form stable, long-term relationships.

ESTJs take their relationships seriously and are willing to put in significant effort to be a strong, committed partner.

ESTJS tend to struggle with expressing their emotions and providing verbal statements of love, but rather show their affection more tangibly, such as taking their partners out on dates or having fun participating in new activities together.

Tips for Interacting With ESTJs


As ESTJs are outgoing and personable, they enjoy spending time with friends partaking in activities that they enjoy.

They also value loyalty and dependability, so ESTJs will form the closest friendships with stable friends who stick to their commitments and show up when they are supposed to.


As partners, ESTJs take their commitments seriously. They value honesty and security and tend to dedicate themselves to relationships long-term.

They appreciate routine and family traditions and want a sense of stability in their home and love lives.

They struggle with emotions and feelings, so it is important to remember that they will find other, more tangible ways to express their affection.


ESTJ parents tend to set clear roles and expectations of their children. They can be strict and controlling, enforcing rules and standards they have established and assigning jobs and duties to family members.

They want to raise their children to grow into hardworking, well-respected, and successful adults, continuing the example they’ve set as traditionalists.


Take the MBTI (Paper Version)


King, S. P., & Mason, B. A. (2020). Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Measurement and Assessment, 315-319.

Myers, I. B. (1962). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Manual (1962).

Myers, K. D., & Kirby, L. D. (2015). Introduction to type: A guide to understanding your results on the MBTI assessment. Sunnyvale, CA: CPP.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. (2019, May 28). New World Encyclopedia, . Retrieved from

Myers, Isabel B.; Myers, Peter B. (1995) [1980]. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing. ISBN 978-0-89106-074-1.

Pittenger, D. J. (2005). Cautionary Comments Regarding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 57(3), 210-221.

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. The Myers & Briggs Foundation: MBTI Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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Saul Mcleod, PhD

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Educator, Researcher

Saul Mcleod, Ph.D., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years experience of working in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Julia Simkus

Editor at Simply Psychology

BA (Hons) Psychology, Princeton University

Julia Simkus is a graduate of Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness in September 2023. Julia's research has been published in peer reviewed journals.